Still Floating!

Well, life has been interesting here in the UK, afloat! Not a lot of stitching time! I was able to attend the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London recently, which was terrific. I met loads of people, attended some interesting classes and generally enjoyed the whole weekend. Thank you to the Fat Quarterly organisers. There are photos on their blog here. I was very fortunate to be selected to attend a talk at Liberty which gave us a brief history and some information regarding the fabric design. libertytalk Relaxing at the Fat Quarterly retreat. retreatrelax For the weekend we took the boat into Paddington Basin so that it would be easier for me to get to the retreat each day on the train, it was such a great place to moor, the weather was amazing (hot!) I could just walk along the canal to the station and there seemed to be a delightful breeze in the evenings! paddingtonbasin The canals are delightful, we do have to share the water at times! here are some turtles enjoying the sunshine! turtlesoncanal There are loads of birds around including the delightful swans. canal   The Festival of Quilts held at the NEC, Birmingham, UK, is next week, so I am busy preparing to be a merchant there, I am looking forward to seeing all the quilts in the exhibition, and of course the other merchants!
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